DELTA Program
DELTA is the Highview Pastoral Care Program which we have developed as a proactive approach to maximising student wellbeing. The program has been designed by Highview College staff for our students. There are three main elements incorporated into the program, all under the banner of wellbeing: Positive Education, Health and Spiritual Development. These three areas embody our school motto ‘Education Through Wholeness’.
The program also explores issues relevant to each year level, with a specific focus on areas such as bullying, cyber safety and healthy relationships.
Students will have one DELTA session per day with their DELTA Mentor who will facilitate and guide them through the program, with some elements of Health and Spiritual Development being delivered by specialist teachers. Each student’s DELTA Mentor will be the ‘go to’ teacher for both students and parents. With this consistent point of contact in a non-academic setting students foster meaningful relationships with their Mentors.
The DELTA program promotes Health and Growth in students – physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. It supports positive change and development in students’ thinking, fosters learners who are able to engage and thrive and helps adolescents grow into strong and resilient adults.
The name DELTA was chosen for a number of reasons. In scientific terms, DELTA symbolises change. In geographical terms DELTA refers to the place where rivers meet the sea and is a place of growth. The Greek alphabet symbol for DELTA is a triangle – representing the three elements of our program: Positive Education, Health Education and Spiritual Development. With this in mind, our DELTA program stands for: