The School Board’s role is to establish and monitor systems and processes to set strategic direction; establish the purpose, values, goals and objectives of the School; identify and manage risk; manage performance expectations and monitor achievement against these goals.
The role of the School Board fits into five broad areas. The School Board is responsible for establishing, implementing and monitoring policy in relation to each of these areas.
· Strategic planning
· Financial leadership and management
· School Board-Principal relationships, including the appointment of the Principal
· Provision of facilities and resources
· Risk management and compliance
These five areas are discussed below:
Strategies in these areas reflect the mission and values of the School. They will drive the eventual outcome of the School and will pervade all actions of the School Board. Focus on these directions will assist the School Board to look outward and forward and to ensure that the School is well placed to adapt to changing market and educational forces.
Perhaps the greatest contribution a School Board can make to a School is to identify and enunciate its desired future. It is the School Board which must ultimately determine the vision for the School. The School Board with the Principal decides collaboratively what matters most in the long-term success of the School.
Policies in this area set out the degree of control the School Board exercises over the operations of the School. Policies in this area relate to ensuring the School is being run as planned and within the legal and legislative frameworks that apply. The policies relate to the means employed by the Principal and staff to achieve the ends established by the School Board and set within the relevant legislative framework.
The Principal is responsible to the School Board as a whole. The School Board delegates to the Principal its duties and powers with regard to discipline, courses of study, selection and management of staff, and School activities generally. This is a key point and the cornerstone of the independence of the Principal. Historically, the term ‘independent school’ refers to the independence of the head to lead and manage these, with reference only to the law and the mission and values as set out by the School Board.
This includes buildings and plant, equipment. Policies in this area relate to ensuring that the School is well provided in facilities and staffing to carry out its mission and achieve its goals. The School Board is responsible for preparing from time-to-time strategic directions and policies for the School in planning its resources. The School Board will periodically oversee the update of the master plan to give a future framework for the physical development of the School.
The School Board must identify and evaluate the principal risks faced by the School and ensure that appropriate compliance systems are in place to avoid or mitigate those risks.
The Principal should be the first contact for matters concerning the School. In the event that you need to contact the Board Chair, please phone the Board Secretary on 5459 1000.
Alternatively, you may email the Board Chair c/o the
Written correspondence should be sent to:
The Board Chair
Private and Confidential
c/o Highview College
21 Kars Street
Maryborough 3465
Anonymous correspondence cannot be effectively interrogated and cannot be considered by the Board.
The Board has determined that application for membership forms be made available to current and future parents of students enrolled at Highview College and interested members of the community. Applications received will be considered at the Board meeting following their receipt and those persons accepted as members will be entitled to vote at the following Annual General Meeting.
The Strategic Plan is a statement to the school community and it establishes a clear and shared understanding of the strategic direction of Highview College.
It defines what the school values most and sets out the school’s goals, targets and key strategies for improvement, and guides resourcing priorities.
Key features of the 2020-2023 Strategic Plan are:
· The School’s Mission, Vision, Core Values and Collective Ambition
· Strategic Priorities and Projects in each of these areas:
o Academic & Personal Achievement
o Outstanding Collegial & Professional Staff
o Student & Community Engagement
o Long-term Sustainability & Stewardship
The Master Plan, responds to the vision of the School and supports the Strategic Plan.
The Master Plan provides a road map from the existing facilities to a future-vision of an educational environment which supports the service delivery requirements of the school.
Highview College developed a comprehensive, consultative and ambitious Master Plan in 2016 in order to plan the future development of the College
The Master Plan will recommend facilities that will contribute to excellent learning opportunities that will help Highview College become the educational institution of choice within the region.