Have any questions? 03 5459 1000 highview@highview.vic.edu.au

Highview College Fees

Annual Tuition Fees

Year Level Annual Fee
7 - 12 $4,400.00

Annual fees will be bill in full by the end of term 4 each year.

Payment can be made in full by the due date, or a payment schedule can be set up via Edstart for quarterly, monthly, fortnightly or weekly payments.

Family Discount

Children Sibling Discount as a Percentage of Fees
First Student NIL
Second Student 15%
Third Student 30%
Fourth Student 40%
Fifth Student 100%


Bursaries are available to families with a means-tested Health Care Card.

For further information please contact accounts@highview.vic.edu.au 


The Victoria Government provides financial assistance to families in rural and regional Victoria for the cost of transporting their children to their nearest appropriate school.

For more information, please contact accounts@highview.vic.edu.au

PTV Victorian Student Travel Pass Reimbursement

Highview College will offer reimbursements to parents/guardians for the cost of a Victorian student travel pass if this cannot be claimed through the Department of Education Conveyance Scheme. For more information please contact the Accounts Manager.