Have any questions? 03 5459 1000 highview@highview.vic.edu.au

Highview College Fees

Payment of Fees

School fee payments to Highview College are available through our specialist provider, Edstart for 2025 fees onwards. We welcome a new school fee management service to offer increased flexibility, support and services to our Highview families.

Highview College fees can be paid – annually, termly, monthly, fortnightly or weekly through visiting our dedicated website – edstart.com.au/highview. Please choose the payment option that best fits your budget by selecting your preferred payment method. Adjustments can be made at any time if there are changes to your budget.

2025 Highview College Fees

Year Level Annual Fee
7 - 12 $4,400.00

Please note: additional elective subject levies may apply in Years 9-12

Highview College Family Discount -  based on students enrolled in the same year 

2nd child per family - a discount 15%

3rd child per family - a discount of 30%

4th child per family - a discount of 45%

5th child per family - a discount of 100%

Annual Technology Levy (included in school fees)

Students receive a new computer at the commencement of Year 7 and Year 10 and  are required to return laptops at the conclusion of Year 9 and Year 12. A fee of $500 will apply in the event laptops are not returned or damaged beyond repair.


Bursaries are available to families with a means-tested Health Care Card. For further information please contact Accounts at accounts@highview.vic.edu.au 

Conveyance Allowance

The conveyance allowance is a form of financial assistance to help families in rural and regional Victoria with the cost of transporting their children to their nearest appropriate school/campus. For more information, please contact the Accounts Manager. 

PTV Victorian Student Travel Pass Reimbursement

Highview College will offer reimbursements to parents/guardians for the cost of a Victorian student travel pass if this cannot be claimed through the Department of Education Conveyance Scheme. For more information please contact the Accounts Manager.

Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund

CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities. If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. This allowance will be paid against your school fee account as camps, sports and excursions are built into our tuition fees. Please contact the Accounts Manager for further details.

Enrolment Cancellation

Students withdrawing are required to give one terms' notice in writing. Please call 5459 1000 to discuss and request an exiting form.

Financial Hardship

Families who are experiencing financial hardship are encouraged to reach out to discuss options. Please call 5459 1000 and request to speak with the Business Manager.

Edstart Contact Details 

Phone: 1300 139 445

Email: contact@edstart.com.au

Highview College Accounts Contact Details

Accounts Manager

Phone: 03 5459 1000

Email: accounts@highview.vic.edu.au