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Highview College Instrumental Music

Instrumental Music

At Highview College students can learn the following instruments in our instrumental music program:

  • Flute
  • Clarinet
  • Alto Saxophone
  • Tenor Saxophone
  • Trumpet
  • Trombone
  • Piano / Keyboard
  • Guitar (Electric or Acoustic)
  • Ukulele
  • Bass guitar
  • Drums / Percussion
  • Voice

All students in the instrumental program have the opportunity to participate in various excursions as well as our band program throughout the year. The program fosters individual growth, team work, and community involvement through both public performances and regular rehearsal time. It is a fantastic opportunity for students to be involved in a program that extends their academic study and provides a positive educational experience that also aligns with our pastoral care program.

Learning a musical instrument will promote and foster:

  • Self-discipline / dedication
  • Effective collaboration and co-operation in a team environment
  • Personal strength and self-esteem
  • Growth Mindset
  • Effective expression and communication
  • Positive and effective ways to deal with anxiety

Instrumental lessons provide a solid foundation for Music electives in Middle and Senior school. At Year 10 and 11 students can study VCE VET Music Industry (Performance or Sound Production) Units 1-4.

No prior musical knowledge is required to enrol in the Instrumental Program. Lessons are half-hour in length, and are delivered on a rotating timetable. This will ensure that students are not withdrawn from the same class each week. Students also participate in one weekly rehearsal, which will take place during lunch time for junior students, or after school for intermediate and senior students.

If your child would like to learn a musical instrument, please contact our administration office and complete an application form. We also offer an 'instrument hire program' for students who would like to hire an instrument for the year or for a term. For more information or any further enquiries, please contact Sandra Pope spope@highview.vic.edu.au 

Band Program

Our Band Program was introduced in 2017 with the aim of extending our continuous involvement and connection within the school and wider community. Our Highview bands have participated in public performances at local primary schools within the Maryborough and surrounding districts. These events have been a positive experience, for both our Highview performers and our younger generations of future students.

We currently have the following groups:

  • Junior Band
  • Intermediate Band
  • Senior Band
  • Glee Club
  • Woodwind Ensemble

All the groups have been performing on number of occasions each year receiving fantastic audience feedback.

Excursion: Music Performing and Recording Workshop at Oxygen College

We are very fortunate to be able to participate a performing & recording workshop that is provided annually by Oxygen College, Geelong. This is an amazing opportunity provides our students an invaluable experience to perform and work with industry experts in a professional environment. This trip is completely free for Highview students being sponsored by Oxygen College and funded by our college.
Please visit the Oxygen College website www.oxygencollege.com.au for more information about their facility and courses on offer.